Empress Jennifer - Spend Don't Speak video

  • Duration: 13:10
  • Views: 152
  • Added: 4 months
Description: I don't want to talk to you for any reason tbh. I don't care about what you have to say. Mostly because what you have to say is not valuable to Me, and when you talk to Me, its stuff I've already heard from everyone else. And really, you're just boring. So instead of talk at Me, like a selfish guy, telling Me blah blah.. I DON'T CARE. Just send. Don't speak. Why I like you to send ME your money?? A few reasons.. that I'm sure you will find insightful. This video is pretty mean, and although I didn't even intend to degrade or humiliate you, it happens to actually be the truth that must make you feel like such a puny worthless cock.. unless you stop speaking, and start spending. Because its not your personality, not your looks and definitely not your cock that impresses anyone, not even yourself... I know you tend to lie to yourself, but I know you're done inside. Just like the men on your dollars. But when you all cum to Me, I bring you to life.
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